On Controversial Issues


The stages of human development are as follows: Embryo, Fetus, New Born, Infant, Toddler, Preschooler, Primary Schooler, Adolescent, Teenager, Young Adult, Adult, and Senior.  Any premeditated and/or preplanned death of a human in any stage of development is murder.  The perpetrator of an abortion is a murderer, and all who actively participates in the commission of abortion, murderers.


The stages of human development are as follows: Embryo, Fetus, New Born, Infant, Toddler, Preschooler, Primary Schooler, Adolescent, Teenager, Young Adult, Adult, and Senior.  Any premeditated and/or preplanned death of a human in any stage of development is murder.  The perpetrator of euthanasia is a murderer, and all who actively participates in the commission of euthanasia, murderers.


Suicide is murder, wherein the person is of sound mental capacity.  Any person committing suicide, regardless of state of mind or emotional state, is a murderer.  There are “crimes of passion” committed without premeditated intention, which can be defined as temporary insanity, that does not result in condemnation, as God is the only One that can judge and know the heart’s intentions.

Assisted Suicide

Any suicide facilitated by another person, including individuals in the medical profession, who organizes the logistics of a human suicide, as by providing the necessary means and ends to suicide, is a murderer.  This goes to included any human in any stage of development, in any state of mind, or mental capacity.

Accidental Suicide

Any suicide that is the result of extreme sports or thrill seeking is murder.  Wheresoever that the safe controlled environment for human life is recklessly and intentionally abandoned resulting in death is putting the Lord thy God to the test, and is therefor murder.  Deaths resulting by unsafe working conditions, bodily failure, or equipment failure, provided the work is necessary for providing the safe environment of others, is not intentional or needlessly reckless suicide, and is therefor not murder.  Fatality caused by mistake, miscalculation, or error is unintentional and therefor not suicide.


Any sexual act or relationship preformed outside the Biblically defined and God ordained heterosexual marriage between husband(being exclusively male) and wife(being exclusively female) is fornication, and therefor sin.


The only Biblical, God ordained marriage is the heterosexual union between husband (being exclusively male) and wife (being exclusively female).  This union must be voluntary on the part of both participants, and can only be dissolved by death or it being proved beyond any reasonable doubt that fornication has been committed.  This union does not require the license of Civil Authority.


Any unacceptance, discrimination, antagonism, or prejudice directed against someone of a specific race is based on the lie that one race is capable of being superior to another. All humanity is created by the Lord our God and therefor equal.  No race has more value than any other, nor is holier than any other.

Women’s Ministries

The Bible, God’s Holy Word, documents women are not permitted to be pastors, teachers, or exercise any authority over men.  They are permitted to be over other women and children(under 12), and to hold any non authoritative position, whensoever a duly elected man exercises authority over them.


The Greek word for baptism is “baptizo” (in the verb form Strong’s G0907) or “baptisma” ( noun form Strong’s G0908) and means “to immerse, to submerge” so baptism by definition means by complete submersion, not sprinkling.  It is understood that there are instances of infirmities or handicaps, or where mortal wounds have occurred, that sprinkling is acceptable, as baptism is an outward reaffirming sign and has no bearing on the individuals salvation.  I find no grounds for the opposing the baptism or dedication of newborns in as much as it is understood that the newborn, or any child below the age of accountability, is not saved by the parents preforming said action.


The Greek word for communion is “koinoneo” (in the verb form Strong’s G2841) or “koinonia” (noun form Strong’s G2842)  and means “to communicate, communion, distribution, fellowship” and by definition is to be preformed by a body, or group of believers.  It is an outward sign of remembrance for the self sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ and has no bearing on individual salvation.  It is to be preformed by the braking of any type of bread, in remembrance of His body being broken, and any available drink, in remembrance of His Blood being spilt, for the atoning of our sins.  In consideration of the less fortunate and unfortunate, type of bread and drink used are irrelevant and has no bearing on the effectiveness of the remembrance.

Spiritual Gifts

The spiritual gifts have been, can be, and will be active in the Body of Christ for as the Holy Spirit moves, so shall His Temple, the Body of Christ, be moved.  This is too be done in an orderly fashion, even as His Temple is constructed after an orderly design.  I advise that any spiritual gift manifested, should to be recorded in a document that is signed and dated by no less than two members of The Body, and proof, if any available, of said spiritual gift being used.  Spiritual gifts prove neither salvation nor sanctification.


The Lord our God is one Lord.  He is threefold in His nature and is comprised of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  We are created in His image.  This is exemplified in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 as we are comprised of spirit (pneuma Strong’s G4150), soul (psuche Strong’s G5590) and body (soma Strong’s G4983).


The Hebrew word for tithe “asar” (עשר verb form Strong’s H6237) by definition means one tenth.  A tithe is to be brought before the Lord for fulfilling the needs of the less fortunate and unfortunate, first for the members of the Body of Christ, then for those in your community, and lastly for those beyond your community’s borders (neighborhood, township, town, city, metropolitan area, county, state, country, continent, hemisphere, and finally globally).   This is to be required out of ones increase that is taken from the Hebrew word “tbuw’ah” (noun form Strong’s H8393).  It is to be given solely by members of the Body that has been given increase, thereby excluding any member of the Body that falls below the standardly accepted poverty level.  All that is brought before the Lord that exceeds one tenth of ones increase is to be deemed an offering, and it to be used in after the fashion of tithe.  Those of the Body that do fall below the standardly accepted poverty level are not required to bring a tithe, as they have none, but offering only as they are led by the Holy Spirit and no regular monetary value may be set by the Body upon said less fortunate and unfortunate members.


No attire, dress code, nor costume is to be required of members of the Body of Christ, inasmuch as ones appearance is modest, clean, and consistent with the members personal way of life.  Upon the gathering of the Body, members shall wear what they normally don during a normal and informal day, ever keeping in mind the less fortunate and unfortunate members.  On no occasion shall the Old Covenant Laws for attire, Levitical or otherwise, be required by any member of the Body.


The Bible, God’s Holy Word, documents that it is not that which enters the mouth that makes unclean, it further goes on to declare that all foods are clean, therefor no dietary Old Covenant Law is to be exercised over any member of the Body of Christ.  When dining outside the Body, all respect is to be paid for the benefit of the unbeliever, and whatever is offered, inasmuch as it can be stomached and is sanitary, may be consumed.  Under no circumstance nor occasion may anything be consumed in excess.  There are to be no habits formed with things consumed for taste, effect, or wont of pleasure.

